Isacc Martinez


Success is a product of consistency. - Andrew Tate
Technologies Technologies

This is a showcase of my web design/development work.


Review my career documents including my resume, cover letter, and job applications.


Review my website designs and image creations.


Review my JavaScript applications.


My name is Isacc Martinez. I am a web developer based in Coalinga, California. I enjoy technology and I love to learn about science, math, and underwater basket weaving. I am also about to complete the Web Technologies Pathway at Coalinga High School.


My goal is to become a data scientist. My goal is to utilize my passion for math and technology.


Another intrest I have is art. I love drawing so color theory is one aspect of design I enjoy. I also enjoy creating beyond paper and enjoy digital art. I enjoy using Photoshop.


Over the last two years I have been learning JavaScript. I have found it intresting and challenging. I especially enjoyed using JavaScript with the HTML canvas element.

Key Assignments

VS Code Git Mark Down JavaScript Photoshop Github

Semesters 1

Semesters 2